
Custom Inventory Rule - Dealing with spaces in path names

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The other day I was looking to make a Custom Inventory Rule (CIR) for something on a Mac OSX device, and I wasn't having the best luck. 
One question I had, was if the path or filename had a space in it, do I need double quotes? Do I need to escape the space?


Nothing special is needed. 

DirectoryExists(/Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.app)
FileExists(/Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/data/version.txt)

Notice that there is no backslash (\) between 'Application Support' and not double quotes ("") around the path. 
Just copy/paste the path as is and you're all set. 

I couldn't find this info written down anywhere so I thought I would share. 



  • Yes. it ends up being quoted by the K1000 - MacDude 8 years ago
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