
Report/Custom Inventory Rule (CIR) on all installed USB Devices

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Had a request from someone this week about a way to pull every single USB device that Windows is reporting into the KACE SMA

Here's what I came up with:

ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd /q /c powershell.exe -command "Get-WmiObject -Class CIM_LogicalDevice | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Description -like 'USB*'} | Format-List -Property Manufacturer,Name,Caption,Status,StatusInfo)

Here is what the output looks like:


This could also be massaged down and filter out unwanted items, such as the Generic USB Host Controller an stuff like that. 

What do you guys think?


  • I like this idea. I want to try to figure out a way to determine if disallowed devices are connected such as video game controllers or keyloggers. - flip1001 6 years ago
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