
KACE: K1000 Dealing With Computers That Report the Same IP Address

  • Summary: Multiple machines are behind a firewall or proxy and show up with the same IP address.  These systems have their own inventory entry and the hostname is correct but the IP address is the same.
  • Symptoms: You have multiple machines that are checking into the K1000 appliance with the same IP address. They all have their own inventory entry and the hostname is correct. The only thing that is the same is the IP address.
  • Cause: Some proxy servers, routers and / or gateways can mask the IP address of the machine that is making the request to the K1000 appliance. The IP address that is given is often the IP address of the proxy (on the "near-network" side) rather than the IP of the machine.
  • Steps to resolve issue:  The K1000 appliance has a feature called the "optional ignore client IP setting" which makes a better effort to find the actual IP of a machine instead of the proxy.

In 4.0 servers this feature can be found at http://k1000/adminui/settings_general.php

In the K1200 series appliance this feature is specific to each "Organization" 

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  • What if inputting the proxy IP address in the ignore client IP address setting field doesn't work? I have done that and the user portal pages still show the proxy IP instead of their real PC IP. - CDW21 8 years ago
    • I'm not aware of any issues with that lately. What version of the K1000 are you on? - KACE_Irwin 8 years ago
      • I am having a similar issue and the proxy ip is added to the ignore list. When I look at user console it is showing the proxy ip instead of the local IP. Running version 6.4.120756. - anonymous_130822 8 years ago
  • LP and CDW21, can you both create tickets with our helpdesk so we can try to investigate this issue further? - KACE_Irwin 8 years ago
  • I am using 6.4.120756 as well. Ok, Will contact support and see what they say. Will keep you posted. - CDW21 8 years ago
  • I just got off the call to support and apparently it is a known issue for almost 2 years now and there is no fix for it. Here is exactly what he said,

    "At this time there is no estimation on the resolution of this feature, if there's a proxy between your browser and the kbox server, the server is going to see you with the address of the proxy server. This situation has been on our lab for a while and we are working on this, but since it is an external condition it's not an easy to fix situation"

    He also pointed me to this article: https://support.software.dell.com/k1000-systems-management-appliance/kb/116521

    So that doesn't help. - CDW21 8 years ago
    • I see that you chatted into our support about it. You didn't get a support ticket did you? Is it possible to get a screenshot of the IP address for one of the systems that is showing the Proxy IP address also? - KACE_Irwin 8 years ago
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