6.4 to 7.2 upgrade what should I expect?
We plan in going to 8.0 from 6.4 but we want to do it in baby steps.
What should we expect from 6.4 to 7.1 or 7.2? Our concern is updating the agents. Will we need to update agents manually?
We're using 6.4.120822 to be exact and we plan to update to 7.0 then 7.1 without updating the agent's first. Then we plan to update the agents once we're on 7.1 Kace version.
We're using 6.4.120822 to be exact and we plan to update to 7.0 then 7.1 without updating the agent's first. Then we plan to update the agents once we're on 7.1 Kace version.
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Posted by:
7 years ago
You download the agent kbin and install it here:
Settings | Provisioning | Agent Updates.
In the upper half you have two options:
Enabled and which machines you want to update.
When you enable it at the next check in the following occurs:
the client checks if there is a new agent and downloads and installs it.
You don't need to do anything here.
This is the kbot 5 0 which you can also run manually on the clients.
just be aware that not all agents are updated at the same time (thous would lead to a DDOS if hundreds of machines download the agent file)
If you have currently 6.4 agents you can go to 7.x and update them.
With 8.0 you need to have 7.x agents rolled out in your whole env, since pre 7.0 agents cannot check in anymore.
Please review also your GPO (if you have one in place) and whitelists, since the 8.0 agents have another location so by accident the old agent may be reinstalled.
The agent binaries are under c:\program files (x86)\quest\kace and the working directory is now c:\programdata\quest\kace
Settings | Provisioning | Agent Updates.
In the upper half you have two options:
Enabled and which machines you want to update.
When you enable it at the next check in the following occurs:
the client checks if there is a new agent and downloads and installs it.
You don't need to do anything here.
This is the kbot 5 0 which you can also run manually on the clients.
just be aware that not all agents are updated at the same time (thous would lead to a DDOS if hundreds of machines download the agent file)
If you have currently 6.4 agents you can go to 7.x and update them.
With 8.0 you need to have 7.x agents rolled out in your whole env, since pre 7.0 agents cannot check in anymore.
Please review also your GPO (if you have one in place) and whitelists, since the 8.0 agents have another location so by accident the old agent may be reinstalled.
The agent binaries are under c:\program files (x86)\quest\kace and the working directory is now c:\programdata\quest\kace
Posted by:
7 years ago
Here is the upgrade path documentation from Quest.
I am preparing the same upgrade too. Our plan is to make sure everyone is on 6.4 first and then upgrade to 7.0, then give it a few weeks to allow the SMA to auto update the clients. Rinse and repeat for version 7.1. Once all clients are on 7.1 we will disable autoupdate and update the appliance to 7.2 and then ultimately 8.0. According to the documentation the SMA 8.0 will support clients running v.7.1.6 so we'll turn the autoupdate on again after we are on 8.0
As per the documentation, another way of doing this would be do just do server updates all the way to version 8.0 and then use a GPO to update your clients separately.