
After downloading updates to Windows XP PC from WSUS server, is there a way that the remote PC can "request" its updates to be installed?

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After downloading updates to Windows XP PC from WSUS server, is there a way that the remote PC can "request" its updates to be installed?As opposed to setting a deadline in the WSUS server.

On our WSUS server, I download the updates to the PC group, but do not set a deadline.

What we want to do is launch a script/request for the updates to install.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Take a look at http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverwsus/thread/cdb77d05-2f97-4055-bc0b-44101d270db3/ http://www.wsus.info/index.php?showtopic=7298 and http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverwsus/thread/507aa64b-b09a-46a6-966c-e7201271cf3e
Posted by: chucksteel 12 years ago
Red Belt

This might be what you're looking for:


  • That will force the machine to detect updates from the WSUS server, but it won't force an install of the updates. - philologist 12 years ago

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