
Anyone else having patching issues on 8.x?

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LM Detection takes forever, upt o 45min for me, to detect 1 patch and deploy it. Most of the time I will get error (upload log failed) message too but it appears as if the patches install on the client. I found  a similar article here too: https://www.itninja.com/question/patching-issues-after-upgrading-to-8-0

I've tried all troubleshooting steps below:
- Verified AV exclusions
- reinstalled agent
- cleared out programdata/quest/kace directory
- rebooted KACE appliance

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Answers (1)

Posted by: dwestness 6 years ago
Senior White Belt
I was having a lot of issues and support found that i was effected by a known bug that they had to manually apply an unreleased hotfix to correct.
One symptom that was the obvious sign that i was effected by this bug was many of my services would be stopped.
If you go to Settings -> Support -> Run diagnostic Utilities -> services (from drop down)
If all services don't say "OK" and some say FAILED, then it might be the same issue as me. It has been much smoother since the hotfox
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