
Anyone have a KBOX test environment ??

We want to setup a test environment for our KBOX 1000. We will use this to test KBOX updates, new rules, etc. Anyone done this yet ?? Any suggestions ?? I have entered a support ticket with Kace but I wanted to see if anyone else is doing this. Thanks.

Andy A.

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Has anyone found documentation on this or some sort of confirmed "OK" / Procedure to do this? - rsm11 11 years ago

Answers (2)

Posted by: airwolf 14 years ago
Red Belt
You can't really setup a test environment unless you have a multi-organization KBOX (which I believe is the 1200 model). I have a single-organization model, and I've got a test queue setup for testing rules - however, keep in mind that ticket rules run against the entire database regardless of the queue the rule exists within. For instance, a rule to query the HD_TICKET table isn't limited to the queue the rule is in unless you specify WHERE HD_TICKET.HD_QUEUE_ID = 1 (1 being the queue ID the rule resides in). I've also got test labels setup with systems used to test software deployments.

What we've done in order to have a true test environment is purchase a VM license. It is rather inexpensive, and you can use the same license key as long as the VMs you create are not used for production purposes. We have a few ready to go for DR purposes - in case our primary KBOX goes down. We've also got a VM setup for development/testing purposes. If you are interested in going this route, contact your sales rep for a VM quote.
Posted by: aaviles 14 years ago
Orange Belt
From one Andy to another - Thanks for the info. That's just what I needed.

Andy A.
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