Anyone have experience with Ricoh's Print Driver Packager NX?
Initial Qualification: I have resorted to trying to use this utility from Ricoh because it appears that you can not modify the default settings of printing in color (to black and white) and output tray...if anyone knows of a way to make this happen without creating a driver with a modified configuration as I am trying to do with the Print Driver Packager NX I would appreciate those answers as well.
Basically, the problem I am having with the PDP NX is creating the installer package; I've loaded the device, driver and created a new configuration file for it, but when I try to create an installer package for it* it errors out at 40% with "ERROR ID=7200 [Candle Process Error: [1417795804:Unknown error]]". I can't find anything on this error online. I have tried it with and without the configuration file, I have tried it with and without sending it to a different folder than the default. The help file for this isn't actually very helpful, except to tell you how to do it, but there is no information on errors or what could be wrong.
*Side Note - if I can just modify the driver with the config file, I would be more than happy to do that; I just do not know how to do that - so answers to that question are welcomed as well.
Hopefully that all makes sense.
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Posted by:
10 years ago
Looks like I asked my question too soon.
The issue was with the driver I was using - "Do not change the subfolder names when extracting the driver. Reregister the driver without changing the driver subfolder name." I hate how the driver folders are labelled so I had renamed them, which it apparently didn't like.
18 months later, this was very helpful. Did you ever figure out how to set B&W as default with NX? I am gearing up for a Ricoh copier fleet refresh and have a batch package created but no luck so far with B&W by default. - switchflare 8 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago