
Anyway to image a computer without sysprep on the K2000?

So i was wondering if there was anyway to make a complete snapshot of a computer without having to sysprep?  Sysprep is screwing with our old legacy software that has to be setup a certain way on mulplite profiles and we are trying to take an image of it to smooth our deployment but sysprep will not work correctly.  I was looking at the WIM support they added into it but not too famular with it.  Any help or walk throughs if possible would be awesome, If i cant figre it out i might just use MDT/SCCM.

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Answers (3)

Posted by: nheyne 11 years ago
Red Belt

If you can figure out how to deploy your legacy software as a postinstall task, you can use the task converter so that it runs outside of sysprep:  http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/k2000-postinstall-task-converter

  • The Task Converter is only needed if you need to include reboots in your PostInstall tasks. This could be useful based on what he is trying to do, but may not be necessary.

    Also, if there are specific settings needed for the software a PostInstall tasks may not work correctly. - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
    • I understand that the purpose, as it's documented in that link, is to allow multiple reboots. But that isn't its only purpose as you allude. It's also to help installs perform more reliably. I personally use it to accomplish certain tasks that seem to work better and more reliably in the Windows OS rather than the KBE.

      Thus why I say, IF he can utilize a postinstall task. - nheyne 11 years ago
      • Its the user settings within the programs that have to be manually entered for each profile. Its a VPN software used from the state so we really have no control over it other then configuring it and it requires special configurations and IPs to work correctly and Sysprep breaks it every time and since its a custom written program they have nothing setup to save off the configurations etc. So yeah making the program a post install will work but that isn't the problem its the user settings for the department of 30 that's the problem lol and USMT wont bring the settings over either sadly. - aaronb09 11 years ago
  • Have you tried setting up a profile with those settings and performing a CopyProfile with sysprep? - nheyne 11 years ago
  • Like nheyne suggested, CopyProfile is exactly what I would suggest if you want to retain options for user accounts. Here is a KKE that goes over the Sysprep process and includes how CopyProfile works:

    https://kace.webex.com/kace/lsr.php?AT=pb&SP=TC&rID=66125017&rKey=a08aa26ee7b47152&act=pb - andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
Posted by: andrew_lubchansky 11 years ago
2nd Degree Black Belt

Well technically taking an image (and the k2000) is completely independent of Sysprep.  With that said, Sysprep is the only supported method (according to MS) to make a clone of a machine's software and move it to a different machine.

A WIM is just a different way to deploy, but still requires you to Sysprep for your system images to deploy correctly.

What specificly is Sysprep doing that is messing with the legacy software?  Maybe we can help you work through the sysprep issue.

Posted by: SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
Red Belt

The biggest problem with what you want to do is you create duplicate SID's and if you try to join these machines to a domain it will give many problems.  With XP you can use Newsid to change the sid without syspreping.  With windows 7 MS killed that workaround.  You should try setting all your settings as one user and then copy that profile to default.  We still ran into a couple of crap pieces of software this still did not work for and had to repush them via the k1000 after imaging to fix them.

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