APPV 4.6 converting to APPV 5.0 help
I am in the process of converting our virtualised applications from APPV 4.6 to APPV 5.0.
Some of the applications are converting without a problem. However, there are a few others that aren't converting as a result of having some date in the <DEPENDENCY> area of the OSD.
For example
<HREF>cmd.exe /c del /q /f "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%Windows\plclient.ini"</HREF>
<HREF>REG.EXE ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" /v "Y:\Powlog36.054\plclient.exe" /t REG_SZ /d "WINXPSP3" /f</HREF>
I have a couple of questions. Firstly, can this be converted? I am thinking if I were to remove this information from the OSD that it would probable convert ok. But I would need this information in my APPV 5.0 package. Which leads to my second question. How would I achieve the same result in my APPV 5.0 configuration files? Where do I eidt in my config files?
I was thinking I needed to input my information in the Deployment_config.xml file in the Machine Scripts area, under something like this
<Path>powershell.exe </Path>
<Arguments>-ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File installDriver.ps1 arg1 arg2</Arguments>
</AddPackage >
<Path>powershell.exe </Path>
<Arguments>.\Scripts\InstallDriver.ps1 </Arguments> OR can be <Arguments>[{AppVPackageRoot}]\..\Scripts\InstallDriver.ps1 </Arguments>
<Wait RollbackOnError="true" (Doesn't continue if script fails) Timeout="120"/> A timeout of ‘0’ means “wait indefinitely” for the process to exit
I am new to APPV 5.0 and so I'm not sure where I'm supposed to edit the configuration files to get the same result as when I edited the OSD files in APPV 4.6
Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Answers (1)
I guess it won't convert because there is not OSD scripting in App-V 5.0 - it's in Dynamic Configuration Files -
Confirmed by this article:
Package Conversion
The package converter will not convert scripts, packages with dependencies, and/or other certain customizations. It also only directly converts 4.5 packages and later. We highly recommend testing App-V 5.0 by sequencing your critical apps first when performing a pilot. A future post will come out to highlight the limitations of the package converter, and assist you through a straightforward and successful conversion experience.
It's a shame that they couldn't provide backwards compatibilty support in the client for sequences created in 4.6 - like they did for all previous 4.x versions.
Not sure how you'd go about adding your scripts in 5.0 - I've not used it in anger myself - this link may help: