Are there Definitions for the Classification Types in Application Patches in K1000?
Hello all!
I'm new to ITNinja, so please be patient with me! I'm trying to get all of our random software updated to the latest versions (stuff like Chrome, Adobe Reader, Firefox, etc). We're currently pushing "Select Classification" with the following selected:
- Critical Updates
- Security Updates
- Service Packs
I believe that I need to add (at least):
- Update Rollups
- Updates
- Upgrades
and maybe even "Full Software." My real question is: Is there anywhere that outlines what each of these actually means? I know the jist of each of them based on the name, would just like to be sure that I'm pushing the right things based on what I'm trying to do. IE: Do I need to do a "Full Software" to push Adobe reader version 9.0 to DC, or will "Upgrades" or "Updates" do it?
Please specify your KACE SMA version, the patching module received a huge overhaul and core changes in version +10.0 - Channeler 4 years ago
Answers (1)
Welcome Fixem!
The classifications come from the vendors, kace just pushes what the vendors say the patches are. Check the admin guide for more details:
There's no harm in enabling all the patches to go to the catalog if you control what gets pushed down the actual machines in your patch jobs.