Asset Helpdesk history
When you open up an Indavidual asset i am working if it is possible to have a field that will display links to tickets that the asset has been tied to.
From my point of view it is vital to be able to easily locate and view the different types of problems each asset has had.
If anyone has any idea how this might work please let me know
From my point of view it is vital to be able to easily locate and view the different types of problems each asset has had.
If anyone has any idea how this might work please let me know
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Answers (9)
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Posted by:
14 years ago
Using these forums to refine the request, get workaround suggestions and as a sanity check is a great use of the forums. Please open a support ticket to officially reporting bugs and / or enhancements.
Jason_H, there is an enhancement request to have that linking in multiple locations. If you would like to "vote" on that bug then please contact support. It is enhancement#5545. Your post on the forums here does not go unheard today, but a helpdesk ticket is our method of tying maintenance contract votes to requests. How much support we can provide in the forums is a grey area, since we need to prioritize on maintenance customers first, but enhancements and bugs are an area where we must draw a line -- there is a clear benefit for both of us to opening a ticket for these.
Jason_H, there is an enhancement request to have that linking in multiple locations. If you would like to "vote" on that bug then please contact support. It is enhancement#5545. Your post on the forums here does not go unheard today, but a helpdesk ticket is our method of tying maintenance contract votes to requests. How much support we can provide in the forums is a grey area, since we need to prioritize on maintenance customers first, but enhancements and bugs are an area where we must draw a line -- there is a clear benefit for both of us to opening a ticket for these.
Posted by:
14 years ago
You can link tickets to other types of assets, but I'm not sure what the purpose is. You can report on them, but the helpdesk tickets won't automatically be displayed in asset view when you're browsing through assets. Perhaps this is something KACE should look at modifying? It seems like this is only half-functional. However, it works in reverse - you can click a link in such a ticket that will take you directly to the associated asset.
Posted by:
14 years ago
Airwolf, the reason for this a simple cost effective audit.
To be able to view a printer / scanner / fax machines service history is vital in finding out if the hardware is being cost effective. If for example in 2 years time i view the history of one of our printers and see that the imaging unit has been replaced 4 times, then you have to think if its worth keeping of finding a replacement.
Is it possible create a filter that will automatically add an inventory item into a asset?
To be able to view a printer / scanner / fax machines service history is vital in finding out if the hardware is being cost effective. If for example in 2 years time i view the history of one of our printers and see that the imaging unit has been replaced 4 times, then you have to think if its worth keeping of finding a replacement.
Is it possible create a filter that will automatically add an inventory item into a asset?
Posted by:
14 years ago
I wasn't questioning your purposes, I meant I was unsure of the purpose of the feature allowing tickets to be associated with other types of assets if the assets do not display their associated tickets.
You could create a custom SQL report that would list all tickets associated with Printer assets over a period of time.
You could create a custom SQL report that would list all tickets associated with Printer assets over a period of time.
Posted by:
14 years ago
Posted by:
14 years ago
This is the same issue we are facing now. We are wanting to add Printers, Phones, etc to the asset module but have foudn that it would be difficult to track what Help Desk Tickets would be assigned to them. Alternitively it would be great to be able to filter/search Help Desk tickets for the Asset field. This is missing in the filter, advanced search, and the report wizard.
I spoke to Gerald over the phone and he said it was Enhancement 8305. My support ticket is 68761.
I spoke to Gerald over the phone and he said it was Enhancement 8305. My support ticket is 68761.
Posted by:
14 years ago
Posted by:
14 years ago
Posted by:
14 years ago
Well its not a "computer" that has been attached as an asset.
I have created a "custom" asset and entered all the relevent information needed (its a printer)
so i have
Shared Name
IP Address
But if i buy new toners or fuser units and install, i create a helpdesk ticket, add the printer asset (which is NOT in inventory but in Asset DB).
When you look at Assets - filter by "Printers" click on the printer asset, there is no mention of a helpdesk ticket being assigned to it.
Is my request not possible?
I have created a "custom" asset and entered all the relevent information needed (its a printer)
so i have
Shared Name
IP Address
But if i buy new toners or fuser units and install, i create a helpdesk ticket, add the printer asset (which is NOT in inventory but in Asset DB).
When you look at Assets - filter by "Printers" click on the printer asset, there is no mention of a helpdesk ticket being assigned to it.
Is my request not possible?

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