It have been decided that we are going to be using BitLocked when we roll out Win7 in the nearest future, but I have close to no experience with BitLocker and how it works in various scenarios so that's why I'm asking if any of you guys have any experience about that.
On our laptops we have two drives so a re-install can leave user files on the D drive during a re-install
(I have told them it can be done with USMT & hardlinking but I was over ruled)
I'm not really afraid for desktops with only 1 drive, since we don't have to maintain any data during a re-install for them.
So my questions is if we re-install a PC with two drives, what should I do then ?
Delete both the 100mb boot partition and C drive and leave the D drive for the data to stay
Delete C drive only ?
Re-initialize TPM chip, delete the 100mb partition and C drive ?
Re-initialize TPM chip, delete C drive only ?
I can't seem to find any other scenarios for this when searching for it, everyone only seem to have one drive.
Any help would be appreciated!
It have been decided that we are going to be using BitLocked when we roll out Win7 in the nearest future, but I have close to no experience with BitLocker and how it works in various scenarios so that's why I'm asking if any of you guys have any experience about that.
On our laptops we have two drives so a re-install can leave user files on the D drive during a re-install
(I have told them it can be done with USMT & hardlinking but I was over ruled)
I'm not really afraid for desktops with only 1 drive, since we don't have to maintain any data during a re-install for them.
So my questions is if we re-install a PC with two drives, what should I do then ?
Delete both the 100mb boot partition and C drive and leave the D drive for the data to stay
Delete C drive only ?
Re-initialize TPM chip, delete the 100mb partition and C drive ?
Re-initialize TPM chip, delete C drive only ?
I can't seem to find any other scenarios for this when searching for it, everyone only seem to have one drive.
Any help would be appreciated!
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