Bitlocker does not want to encrypt disk | K2000
Hi, everyone,
I've been using the KACE SDA k2000 for a long time now, but since the new KBE update, the Bitlocker don't worked recently.
When trying to activate the bitlocker I keep getting this error message:
"The new active drive cannot be formatted. You may need to manually prepare your drive for Bitlocker."
After a long research I found out that the disk is not properly partitioned. I have already tried some pre-installation tasks, but without success. I keep getting this error message.
I have already used the old KBE again, but the error keeps coming back
Could someone help me with that?
Best regards
Answers (1)
That is from the Windows Desktop, therefore KBEs are out of the question.
I also do not see the KACE task engine there, it looks like a regular manually triggered bitlocker routine, not a Post Install task from the KACE SDA.
I would check:
Also since late 2019, Win10 uses a software based encryption method for Bitlocker rather than Hardware based:
Could it be that your old task is still attempting to use hardware based encryption?
(Hardware based required the SSD to be declared as ready to be encrypted, before BitLocker could initiate the encryption routine, hence the change was made in 2019).