
Can the agent be redeployed via GPO?

If I deploy the agent with our GPO with the agent MSI renamed to include our host and it succeeds, then runs for a few weeks or months, then the agent is manually uninstalled, should the GPO be able to redeploy the agent? I'm familiar with the registry values that manage this, but removing them doesn't have any effect. When I remove then and run gpupdate or reboot, the entries return, but the software doesn't install.

I removed the references to my GPO from HKLM\Software\....\Group Policy\AppMgmt. Though there are no keys under the AppMgmt key. Only 2 value entries with one named "GPOs" and it contains the UID's of previously applied GPOs. I deleted the UID referencing my Kace agent GPO and after rebooting a few times with no luck, I tried creating GPOs with an empty value, but no luck. The agent doesn't install.

I deleted (unlinked) the GPO, created a new GPO and tested and the agent still won't install via GPO, but it does install manually. And it will install when we build a new machine. It's only machines that had an agent installed previously 9by GPO), and then had it uninstalled manually that fail to install agents from a GPO again.

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  • Have you tried the K1000 GPO Provisioning Tool for Agent Deployment?

    https://support.software.dell.com/kb/133776 - flip1001 10 years ago
  • Thank you for the reply. Yes, I had tried it in early Oct about 5 weeks back, but didn't see results with the testing I had time to perform. Thanks for the reminder!

    I took another look at it today and it does seem to be helping. On the lab machines that would not install it from the regular GPO deployment, I tried with the GPO Prov Tool from Kace and it's looking good.

    I set up the GPO tool, then after manually removing existing agents on some lab machines, I rebooted them without running GPUpdate or any other action. The agent installed at startup.

    For future readers, the settings that worked for me:
    Created the GPO normally and also added the agent Software Package (I created 2 GPOs for different sites and added the software first with one, but not the other just to test and the tool worked fine both ways for me)
    I ran the GPO Prov Tool, selected one of my Kace agent GPO's and clicked Next
    I used the default Install settings on the Provision Action page (may depend on your needs)
    I used my K1000's IP instead of the DNS name just because I felt better about it.
    I used the original MSI without rename it. I did not add my K1000's name into the msi that the GPO Prov Tool uses as I was doing with my other GPO's. The tool knows the IP and takes care of that.
    I pointed the tool to an existing MSI on a network share that has Authenticated Users with Read rights.

    Works great. Thank you to the tool designers and creators and to flip1001 for reminding me about the tool again. - murbot 10 years ago

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