
Can the new K1000 v10 Ticket Templates Be Divided Into Sections?

I have been test driving the new K1000 v10 and I have discovered something really annoying in the new ticket template drag and drop functionality. At first I thought it was pretty awesome that the new drag and drop template editor lets you decide where you want the submitter, device and asset information to be on the page. However when I actually did some testing, I realized that the editor is really just a table with the fields you want placed in rows or columns within the table. And much like an Excel spreadsheet, all the cells in each row expand to the max size of the largest cell. This means that having the submitter field in the same location as it was previously in v9, causes the fields you have in the first and second columns to be expanded to the same size as the submitter field once the ticket has been submitted. Since the Submitter field is expanded with a bunch of information after the ticket is actually submitted there is a huge gap in the first and second column between the cells on the same row as the submitter and the next row. In v9, the far right column was a completely separate table so it didnt matter if that field expanded half way down the page, the other two rows would be unaffected. In fact, if you simply decided not to use the new ticket templates in v10, the far left column functions the same as it did in v9, independent of the rest of the ticket.

Does anyone know of a way to separate the drag and drop template editor into separate sections?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: ondrar 5 years ago
Black Belt

There isn't an actual way to right now.  The drag and drop editor is cool, but it's still in its early stages and not super robust.  I would assume that more improvements for it will be coming.

That said, I found that same annoyance.  To deal with the space that the Submitter field uses, I put Submitter, Device, and Asset into the same row, since all three of those add some amount of extra space in the ticket.

Another thought I had was to create a blank, read-only field and make it three columns wide to separate the ticket into a top and bottom.  Or just use it as a buffer, since a field has to have a field above it, and can't just float.

  • Thanks. Yeah, we really liked that they were on the far right column and would prefer to keep them all there, just in a separate section. I'm a bit disappointed that Quest rolled out the feature with such an obvious design flaw. Thanks for the feedback though. - svargas 5 years ago

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