Can you depoly a bios update though k1000?
i am wondering can you send a bios update though kase. the reason i am asking is i have at lest 20 dell lattertude e6220 and 10 e6420 with the wrong bios to connect to the depolyment sever. at the moment the computers bios is A13 and i want to downgrade to A07 so i can deploy the immige i have created. i have been doing it manuly via dell website but im very busy setting up new users. if you can help it be very helpfull to me
Answers (6)
Microsoft's WMI interface allows this via Dell open manage.
The processis simple:
1.Use the– nopausecommand option when executing theBIOS file for a system BIOS that supports silent installations;for older systems or a BIOS that does not support silent installations, download the updated BIOS from the Dell support Web site (
2. Convert the unpackaged system BIOS file to a BIOS .hdr file using the write hdr file command option.
For example:Sx270A04.exe –writehdrfile
3. Select the flash function from within the DCCU and browseto the downloaded BIOS file.
4. Create the executable package and distribute it to the target PCs for execution. After delivery, the PCs will automatically reboot and perform the update—preserving the integrityof the BIOS settings—and then automatically remove theupdate package from each PC, leaving behind only a tiny XML results file.
how can i upload this bios in my kace for distribution - brighstarcuit 12 years ago
You can use a script in the K1000 to deploy the downgrade. Generally, your users will probably see a firmware mismatch error on the reboot when the BIOS is upgraded, but it's nothing to worry about.
You could also create a custom inventory rule in order to use a label to deploy the downgrade. Bios version is stored here in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS
The optional switches for the BIOS installers are:
NOPAUSE – Run without user prompts. ·
NOREBOOT – Does not reboot the system when flashing is completed.
Example 1:
Completely silent and no reboot; a reboot must occur to upgrade.
Example 2:
Completely silent and includes a forced reboot.
jknox i have these settings in my distribution - brighstarcuit 12 years ago