Change VMIDs
I am looking for a way to change the VMIDs. let me give you some back ground.
We are trying to use Veeam to back up or VMs. we have a vm with is about 180 gig of data, when we try to do the first back up it slows the the system down to almost non usable.
so we need to bring up a copy of the server and seed the back up. Then we need to change the VMID of the production VM to match the VMID of the back up so from that point on the backup will only moves the changed form the production server.
Answers (1)
Are we talking VMWare or Hyper-V machines. For VMWare machines you might be able to change the uuid.location and uuid.bios values in the .vmx file. For Hyper-V I'm not sure
using vmware - spless 12 years ago