Copy files to a logged on user profile. SMA sending files to a strange location
Hi guys.
I am trying to copy some ms-Word templates to a user AppData folder.
When i try to do this as an admin, kace sends the files to some system folder
e.g. ... (xcopy /s /y CorporateExcelTemplate.xltx C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates)
This always fails even with the wildcard.
The only way i get it to the user profile is if I run the script as "logged on user".
Well...this works for admin accounts that have rights to run scripts.
But the problem is almost all our users don't have right to run scripts. So copying fails
on all of them.
Any suggestions to get around this or any script to copy to logged on user profile.
Answers (1)
Top Answer
by default the KACE agent runs under the SYSTEM-User. this one has no %userdata%-variable set.
If you run under logged in user it runs with the rights of this user and then the variable is set and so the script works
Thanks Nico.
But as I said most of our normal users don't have the right to run scripts.
The script fails for these people.
Does this mean there is no solution for them? - akmagnum 3 years ago-
in the env as you describing it, not.
A script like
Runas-give the right-run script - Runas-remove rights would work.
Another idea is a manual script running as SYSTEM, which checks for the logged in user and puts the files in the correct userfolder
Also if you have the KACE Privilege Manager would allow this, if the request pops up the admin team approves it. There are possibilities but they are, well ... complicated - Nico_K 3 years ago-
Thanks for the input. - akmagnum 3 years ago