Deleting computer account from AD = Failed KACE build
Hi everyone,
My WIM deployments using KACE have been working until I stumbled across a problem yesterday. I could rebuild a PC over and over to my hearts content and everything would be fine, but I found that if you delete a computer account from AD and then rebuild, the PC does not get added back onto the domain. Or I should say the correct domain as it's deciding simply to add a '2' to the end of the domain and therefore join a domain it made up itself.
To clarify, if I called my domain "" and the PC was joined, but then deleted from AD and rebuilt. Upon build completion and the post-installation task of 'join domain' running, it's adding itself to " 2". I don't think I need to explain why this doesn't work :)
So, can anyone (and this maybe an AD issue more than KACE) help me with why this only happens if the computer account is manually deleted from AD?