Dell CCTK and K1000
- The latest K1000 version and the latest agent version (as of 10/06/11)
- I have already figured out how to deploy the Dell CCTK client to workstations using the Distribution>managed installation section of K1000
- I have installed Dell CCTK version 2.0.1 on my PC and created a multi-platform bios file (enabling WOL)
- I exported those settings as a .cctk
- I deployed the CCTK client using the kbox to a machine
- I can't figure how to deploy the configuration file
- Enabled = yes
- Deploying to just the one PC that I know has the Dell CCTK client installed
- Run as: domain administrator (credentials entered correctly)
- Task1 = I tried this 2 different ways:
- 1) Launch “SYS\cmd.exe†with params “"C:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe" -i \\share\folder\config.cctk
- 2) Run the batch file...Batch file:="C:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\X86\cctk.exe" -i \\share\folder\config.cctk
- Pushed 1/1
- Completed 0/1
- And in the Run Now Detail, next to the name of the computer it's supposed to be running on, it always displays a question mark and a "status pending" message. I don't see any other logs or anything. But it does display all this in the Run Now Detail as well:
Start Time:Oct 06 2011 11:28:21 AM
Script Name:Configure Bios after CCTK install
Total Machines:1
Pushed Machines:1 (100%)
Push Successes:1 (100%)
Push Failures:0 (0%)
Completed Machines:0 (0%)
Running Machines:1 (100%)
Successes:0 (0%)
Failures:0 (0%)
- But when I check the BIOS of that machine, no changes have been made.
Thank you.
Answers (5)
Here's what I did to run the CCTK without having to install it on all of my computers, yet still letting me change the BIOS settings.
Here's my script that I use in KACE:
On Success
- Launch “$(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\desktop_autoon\cctk.exe” with params “-i desktop_wol_pxe_enable_lowpower_disable_autoon3am.ini”.
- Set “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Kace!BIOSupdatedByKACE” to “YES”.
On Remediation Success
- Log “Successfully updated BIOS - enabled Wake-On-LAN and PXE, disabled Low Power (S5), and set AutoOn to 3am.” to “output”.
On Remediation Failure
1. file structure
a. Folder inside it called "desktop_autoon"
i. Inside desktop_autoon folder are the following files: cctk.exe, cctk_x86_WinPE.bat, cctk_x86_WinPE_3.bat, desktop_wol_pxe_enable_lowpower_disable_autoon3am.ini, mxml1.dll, pci.ids", and a folder called "HAPI".
a. The files inside HAPI folder are:, dcdbas32.inf, dcdbas32.sys, dchapi32.dll, dchbas32.dll, dchcfg32.exe, dchipm32.dll, dcmdev32.exe, HAPIInstall.bat, hapint.exe, HAPIUninstall.bat.
FYI: The "desktop_wol_pxe_enable_lowpower_disable_autoon3am.ini" is the file that I created using the CCTK tool. The rest of the above files are from the program that I installed on my computer. - jwaltersnsm 11 years ago
in the Directory field use $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)
in the File field use cctk.exe
for parameters we use the following:
-i multiplatform_xp_bios_201107251116.ini -l "c:\documents and settings\all users\Dell\bios_config_xp.out"
this calls an ini file located in the zip file and outputs the results to "c:\documents and settings\all users\Dell\bios_config_xp.out".
No installation required on target machines, and if you make it an online script you can use admin credentials.
could you let me know how you did it as post install in K2000? - work@deploy 11 years ago
Launch “C:\UpdateBIOS.cmd†with params
batchfile contents:
"C:\Program Files\Dell\CCTK\x86\cctk.exe" bootorder --enabledevice=hdd --disabledevice=usbdev --valsetuppwd=*******
so that the conversation will remain readable.