Deny Agent install on VDI/View Desktops
We currently have a stable environment of over 450 workstations installed with the KACE Agent. We have created a GPO install script to be run at logon across the entire organization to handle future installations of the KACE Agent on new machines. This script works great and by utilizing a WMI filter we can limit its use to only workstation and not to install on servers, domain controllers, or terminal servers.
We do have an issue where the agent constantly installs on newly provisioned desktops that make up our floating pools in our VMware View environment. Is there a way for the KACE agent to be aware of and not install if the computer type is virtual? Or does anyone else have any other strategies we could use that would prevent the agent from being installed on a subset of machines, VDI or otherwise?
The script and WMI filter are below if anyone is interested in using it:
Login.CMD pushed out via GPO Login Script with WMI filter enabled
- Namespace: root\cimv2
- Query: select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where ProductType="1"
@echo off
if /i %processor_architecture%==x86 GOTO x86
if /i %processor_architecture%==EM64T GOTO x64
if /i %processor_architecture%==AMD64 GOTO x64
echo ...Run the x86 Check for KACE
if not exist "C:\Program Files\Dell\KACE\" goto needkbox
echo KBOX-x86 Agent already installed.
goto end
MsiExec.exe /I \\\shared\install\kace_agent\ampagent-5.3.53177-x86_youservername.msi /quiet /norestart
echo ....Run the x64 installer
if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\KACE" goto needkbox
echo KBOX-x64 Agent already installed.
goto end
MsiExec.exe /I \\\shared\install\kace_agent\ampagent-5.3.53177-x86_yourservername.msi /quiet /norestart
Answers (1)
It seems like you could add another IF statement or maybe another query then an IF that ended the install if it found something like:
Model: VMware Virtual Platform
NIC: Amd Pcnet Family Pci Ethernet Adapter
Basically, you would add another step that looked for something unique to the VM environment to exclude it. I am using vmware workstation, so the model/NIC info might be different.
I posted this earlier today, and on my drive home I had a moment of clarity. The installation script can pretty much be left as is, it already provides the necessary logic to avoid installing the agent. I can simply create a dummy C:\Program Files\Dell\KACE\ directory on any device which I do not want to have the agent installed on. The agent won't actually exist on the device and it will remain that way since the script will always skip straight to the end. This would extend to not only VDI but any system we wished to leave out.
Thanks for your input about unique VM environment variables to look for, but I think the dummy directory approach will actually be a bit more simple. - Fepe 12 years ago