Deploying Adobe Pro XI 64bit
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I am using the same package I developed for our x86 platform and it works every time, yet it fails for x64 platform. I am using the following command line;
msiexec /I AcroPro.msi TRANSFORMS="AdobeXI_K2.mst" /qn
Yet if I run it from the machine itself it installs just fine.
I have read where the MS Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) is required for Adobe Pro and this is installed as a post installation task.
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I think you need that vis c++ installed before the adobe Pro package - Badger 10 years ago
It gets installed early in the task list, Adobe gets installed last. - wd_bs 10 years ago
also, ironically, I think you might the x86 and x64 vis C++. have you tried running the MSI on its own and checking what the GUI throws our, or check the eventvwr to see the error??? - Badger 10 years ago
Nothing in event viewer, installs fine when running it manually. - wd_bs 10 years ago
Answers (2)
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Posted by:
10 years ago
Posted by:
10 years ago
I had the same problem and determined the issue causing the failure was in the MSI that is built using the packager.
I ended up making two separate install packages using the Creative Cloud Packager one for 32bit and one for 64bit. Then I just renamed and copied the 32bit MSI to the build folder of the 64bit package. I made sure they had unique names like this:
Then I made a batch file that looks like this and put it in the root folder the packager created:
@echo off
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\AcroPro.msi" EULA_ACCEPT=NO SUITEMODE=1 OWNERSHIP_STATE=1 IGNOREVC10RT=1 LANG_LIST=en_US INSTALLLEVEL=101 AS_DISABLE_LEGACY_COLOR=1 IGNOREAAM=1 TRANSFORMS=Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\Transforms\en_US.mst /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /p "Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\AcrobatUpd11004.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /p "Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\AcrobatSecUpd11005.msp" /qn
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (goto 64bit) else (goto 32bit)
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "build\AcrobatProXI.msi" /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "build\AcrobatProXI32.msi" /qn
Finally I zipped it up and uploaded it to the KACE
I hope this helps
I ended up making two separate install packages using the Creative Cloud Packager one for 32bit and one for 64bit. Then I just renamed and copied the 32bit MSI to the build folder of the 64bit package. I made sure they had unique names like this:
Then I made a batch file that looks like this and put it in the root folder the packager created:
@echo off
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\AcroPro.msi" EULA_ACCEPT=NO SUITEMODE=1 OWNERSHIP_STATE=1 IGNOREVC10RT=1 LANG_LIST=en_US INSTALLLEVEL=101 AS_DISABLE_LEGACY_COLOR=1 IGNOREAAM=1 TRANSFORMS=Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\Transforms\en_US.mst /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /p "Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\AcrobatUpd11004.msp" /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /p "Exceptions\AcrobatProfessional11.0-mul\AcrobatSecUpd11005.msp" /qn
IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%" (goto 64bit) else (goto 32bit)
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "build\AcrobatProXI.msi" /qn
start /wait msiexec.exe /i "build\AcrobatProXI32.msi" /qn
Finally I zipped it up and uploaded it to the KACE
I hope this helps
I'll give it a try, thanks for the help. - wd_bs 10 years ago