doubts about the patchs

Answers (2)
This plp and pls files are the signature files used in patching to check if a patch is needed or not. These files are always downloaded.
don't worry about them.
the kace system will only download patchfiles / setup files if the patch detect scan detects them as missing, if you have selected this setting in patch download settings.
if you check one of them in your patch catalog you'll see no associated files in the patch details view. if you look into a missing patch details view you'll see at the bottom of the page associated files listed.
i recommend to enable english langue to your spanish language, too. some patches are only available in english and they'll be missing if you just have spanish patches enabled. it will not download english office patches if your office 2010 / 2013 is in spanish. but some OS patches are only available in english.