Driver Feed Tasks and mid level tasks
ok, so I'm deploying XP images to non dell hardware.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to setup the driver feed tasks though. I have install_drivers.exe setup as a post installation task. The read me that comes with the driver feed task says to upload the as an application mid level task, how do I do that thogh?
I can't find any section on the k2000 for mid level tasks.
Also, is there anywhere I can view logs to see exactly which drivers are and aren't being installed?
Answers (2)
Mid level tasks are referred to as postinstall tasks in versions of the K2000 before 3.5. If you have not upgraded your K2 to 3.5 I would highly recommend you do so ( When you upgrade to 3.5 you will no longer need the driver feed tasks for system images as the functionality has been baked into the appliance. XP drivers still might benefit from using the tasks since they can be stubborn to get installed correctly. I've also had a lot of success with this tool:
Mid level tasks are simply tasks that run after the OS has been deployed but before the target computer has left the boot environment. To create a mid level task, you will go to Library > Postinstall Tasks > New task... and then click the radio button at the top of the task setup to have the task run in the K2000 Boot Environment.
The driver feed uses dpinst to install WinXP drivers. See the dpinst documentation for info on logging and troubleshooting:
ok, it's working now, all drivers installed. Is there anything else I should be aware of before upgrading to 3.5? images will still deploy successfully I suppose, will I need to create new boot environments too?
Thanks - babaton 11 years ago-
if you are 3.4 and have the password already in your boots they will work with 3.5 - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
As SMal says, older KBEs will still work. When the K2 goes to 3.5 SP1 you will want to build new KBEs as we're changing from WinPE3 to WinPE4. You'll want to download and install the new Media Manager from the K2. WIM images captured in 3.4 will need to be converted to the integrated format:
And never, under any circumstance, apply the KNIT package .bin to a 3.5 appliance. - mpace 11 years ago