Error when capturing an image of a VM with k2000
I am using a K2000 3.6 and Hyper-V Manager
When i try to capture an image (WIM) I get an error that there is not enough disk space to perform the action. I dont give my vm's much more space than they need, so I assume that the temp files can not be written to the disk as a result of this.My intent is to add a second hard drive in the vm settings to allow for this as i believe windows will automatically check for space other than the current partition(s) it is capturing.
The second hard drive would point to a "Temp" directory I could use for all of my vm's when capturing to the k2000
Is this what is best practice? I have read and watched best practices for golden images etc, but nothing goes into any setup for this part of imaging that i have seen, only to use vm's.
I want to minimize the space that my vm's are using and only use the temp directory when i capture my updated vm to kace.
Any help or thoughts are greatly appreciated.
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Posted by:
9 years ago
You need enough extra disk space on your masters to create the wim file prior to upload. The disk size on your golden vm does not effect the size of the image that is being uploaded, just the files.
Thank you for your response.
I know i can create a larger partition, but this does not keep my images at minimal size in the directory where i have my vm's for managing before i sysprep and capture. I have many departmental images, some at 40+ GB in size. - wessdf 9 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
Size your hard drive to twice the space of the image (uncompressed). It seems to take the image locally before sending it out to the K2000. You can also add a secondary drive when imaging for the purpose but that's not the easiest method.
Thank you for your response.
As SMal.tmcc sugested the same idea for disk size, again this does not keep my images at minimal size in the directory where i have my vm's for managing before i sysprep and capture.
So for me, to add a second drive seems to be the way I would need to go to meet my requiremnents. I tend to only work with one image at a time, so only one machine would be accessing the drive at any given time. - wessdf 9 years ago -
Creating and attaching the second hdd was not that hard, so it work for my purposes of keeping disk space at a minimum. - wessdf 9 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
Top Answer
So, I was able to create a second HDD / VHD with enough disk space to allow for the temp files that is used when capturing an image in case (WIM). By doing this, is can add and remove as needed. Again, I only work with one image at a time, so the "Temp Drive" and be used for multiple VM's only when I am ready to capture and image.
This keeps my disks space at a minimum which meets my requirements. Best practice? Maybe lol, works for me.
you may also look into capturing as a KIMAGE which does not need the temp space on the local drive. ( though KIMAGES are slower when you deploy them. ) - genfoch01 9 years ago
That is why i like to use wim images instead and this allows me to use dism if needed, thats my contingency plan when i no longer want to use Kace. - wessdf 9 years ago
This might require some diskpart scripting to get the 2nd drive to be recognized in the KBE. - nheyne 9 years ago
What I was asking, is this best practice (up for interpretation I know). - wessdf 9 years ago