export script results to Excel
I'm relatively new to a company that used Kace to push installs. One of the support staff created a script to run each evening at 11 based on a label that was setup.
Is there a way for me to first export the results of the label that was created to Excel and 2nd see a listing each morning of the users that the scheduled script ran on the evening's before?
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There is a user request here, for that purpose: https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/4447741-verify-a-scheduled-script-ran-sucessfully - though it's quite old now. There's also this one: https://kace.uservoice.com/forums/82699-k1000/suggestions/2604867-results-of-scripts-that-are-scheduled-should-also - which is even older... To me, it seems like this should be a pretty standard feature. - jfrank 10 years ago
Would be better if it was easier to use. - theadrick 10 years ago