Has anyone tried using RFID tags with their Kbox?
We've been using barcodes to help expedite inventory, but when equipment is missing, we're completely stuck. It's been proposed that we try to integrate some sort of RFID tracking system with our asset database so we can at least tell at any given time if the specific asset we're looking for is in the building, and which section of the building it's in. I know RFID systems usually write to their own database, but I'm wondering if the Kbox could be configured to share information with an RFID system? Has anyone else headed down this path and had any luck? Any huge barriers?
Bueller? - TankGirl 10 years ago
Answers (1)
We use some excellent technology to enable our barcode scanning App www.KACEBarcode.com but from your perspective that is not the whole story. If your devices are enabled with RFID and regularly report into their own database, the technology we use would enable us to connect to that database, on a schedule, and then pass the updates back into your K1000 platform.
So for example we can set a date and time stamp in the asset and a status field, much the same as we do with our Barkode scanner, however the difference here is the data import will update those fields from the RFID database.
You can then create some custom rules in a service desk queue to set the status to missing or audit, again as we can do with our product, run the rules on a regular basis and you should be then able to get exception reports when a device has not been seen by the RFID system for a pre-set period of time.
We would be happy to investigate the options that are available to you to get this running, just fill in a contact form on www.KACEBarcde.com or www.Indigomountain.co.uk