Having a bad Kace + Bomgar Integration day
Output Log
Directory does not exist: c:\PRogram Files Directory DOES exist: /usr/bin Archive: <numbers go here>.zip creating: Bomgar/ creating: Bomgar/.dmg/ extracting: Bomgar/.dmg/<numbers go here>.dmg creating: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/ creating: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/ creating: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/_CodeSignature/ extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeDirectory extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeSignature extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeRequirements extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/_CodeSignature/CodeResources extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/Info.plist creating: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/Resources/ extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/Resources/appicon.icns extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/Resources/<numbers go here> creating: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/MacOS/ extracting: Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/MacOS/mount_dmg_and_exec_bundle.sh ProcessOps_LaunchProgram: Launch failed: 1 exitCode=126
Status Log
Detecting operating system Verified /usr/bin folder exists - this is a MAC system
Activity Log
Checking if directory exists: c:\PRogram Files Checking if directory exists: /usr/bin Launching program: '/Library/Application Support/Dell/KACE/data//kbots_cache/packages/kbots/695/InitiateBomgarSession.sh' 'https://kace-integration.bomgar.com/api/start_session.ns?customer_id=<numbers go here>' wait='true'
# determine the temp dir
# move the bundle out to a temporary location since we're going to clean up the wrapper bundle momentarily
orig_dmg=$(ls ../../../.dmg/*.dmg)
dmg=$TMPDIR/$(basename "$orig_dmg")
mv "$orig_dmg" "$dmg"
# mount the image silently
hdiutil attach -quiet -noverify -kernel -noautoopen -nobrowse -mountpoint "$mountpoint" "$dmg"
# find the first bundle in the mountpoint
bundle=$(find "$mountpoint" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.app' | head -n 1)
# bail if bundle wasn't found
test -n "$bundle"
# lookup the bundle's binary (as indicated by the bundle's plist)
bin=$(defaults read "$bundle/Contents/Info" CFBundleExecutable)
# bail if bin wasn't specified in plist
test -n "$bin"
# clean up this ziplock
wrapperBundle=$(cd ../../ && pwd)
topFolder=$(cd ../../.. && pwd)
# test that we're really running from a ziplock wrapper bundle
if [[ -f "$wrapperBundle/Contents/Resources/69073801-d756-4e93-85ce-76bab30d3aa0" ]]; then
cd ../../../../
rm -r "$topFolder"
# execute it with any arguments passed to the bash script
exec "$bundle/Contents/MacOS/$bin" "$@"
When I run the Initiate Manually with the correct URL variable I kept on getting this error:
override r-xr-xr-x ME/DREXEL\Domain Users for /Users/ME/Desktop/Bomgar/Double-Click To Start Support Session.app/Contents/MacOS/mount_dmg_and_exec_bundle.sh?
Is anyone else using the free licenses from Bomgar with their Kace box? - Jbr32 10 years ago
Answers (1)
Do you have any details you can provide? - Jbr32 10 years ago
There was a version or two where Safari would download a .dmg version of the Customer Client instead of a .zip version; however, this was fixed in 14.2.3. The problem here appears to be that the *new* zip version isn't structured quite the same way such that rm -r "$topFolder" is no longer required. I think you should check with Bomgar Support to see if they can check this fix and roll it out in an updated script. - Dietrich 10 years ago
I'm having this same issue with 14.3.1 (script running on an OSX 10.10.5). - tsalmi123 9 years ago
Sorry to hear that. When I contacted BomGar (back then) they indicated the hosted version is unsupported so they will not fix the issue despite the fact that the integration document states it works for MAC and PCs. We are moving to an internal Bomgar appliance, so I am looking forward to having this capability restored for our MAC deployment (which is about 80% here). - Jbr32 9 years ago