
Help with New Help Desk Ticket -- creating based on caller or employee no

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In our K1000, we are importing Active Directory information to the Users Table. Two of the fields include Full Name and Employee No.


Right now, when a new ticket is opened, our help line will start a New Ticket and will click the little "edit" icon to the left of the name that defaults in, use the filter function to search for a caller by Full Name. (Full Name {Submitter/Caller} was imported via an AD import along with other information like position, department, phone number, employee no, email.)


That works fine.


However, now we want the option to look up by Full name or Employee No.  (If we can't have the option for both, then Employee No. is the preference.)


Is it possible to look up a user on a Help Desk Ticket by Employee No. which is Custom_13 in the Help Desk Ticket Layout?


I can go to the User's tab of Help Desk and type in an Employee No. (ex. 123456) and it will show me the Username, Full Name (aka Submitter/Caller), Email etc. for "John Doe."


So I know the Employee No. is stored in the Users Table of the K1000.


Thanks for any help and suggestions.  I am new to using the K1000 so I really appreciate any help. 








4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Do you want to enter the ticket using the employee number or just lookup open tickets for a user based on their employee number? I don't think you can change the behavior of the submitter field to use employee number instead of name, but once the ticket is created and CUSTOM_13 is set to the employee number via a ticket rule you should be able to search the tickets. - chucksteel 11 years ago
  • @chucksteel -- It would be nice to be able to enter the employee number then it immediately autofill information like name & phone number as you tab or click to another field (ex. Comment).
    Our old ticket system would allow us to enter the employee ID and then it would instantly (not on save) auto fill the person's contact info (name, phone, email etc.).
    A ticket rule could autofill name on save but the thought would be - it show you the person's name (then you can verify right away you typed in the correct number.)
    Knowing the employee number is in the user table with the person's other info just seems like there would be a way to have it instantly fill.
    Thanks chucksteel. I really appreciate the help and guidance. :) - tcorn 11 years ago
  • @tcron I don't think that box will do that as it would be a dependency need. They are considered separate fields and as chucksteel indicated, you would have to use ticket rules to fill in the full name of the user upon ticket save. - nshah 11 years ago
  • Thanks all for the help. - tcorn 11 years ago

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