
HKCU logon script problems

I have a HKCU script that I would like to run for each user when they logon to set the Internet Explorer homepage. The script works but I'm able to get it to run for each user that logs on at the time they log on. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Answers (2)

Posted by: bkelly 12 years ago
Red Belt

This sounds like the type of thing that might be better handled via group policy.

  1. Run group policy from gpedit.msc or Administrative Tools.
  2. Click to: User Configuration>Administrative Templates>Internet Explorer
  3. On the right, click on Disable change home page settings and check Enable.
  4. Type the home page name, which I assume to be: http://www.itninja.com
  5. Close to save the settings.

That said, to determine the issue with the script probably means working in some error checking. For a problem like this I would probably have the script generate a log file with each thing it does and the error code returned. That way you can ensure that it is running and that if it is failing the error code should go along way to explaining the issue.

  • If I do gpedit can I update all the systems in kbox when they are built to have that home page? - ckubaska 12 years ago
Posted by: piyushnasa 12 years ago
Red Belt

You can use ActiveSetup to run the script for every user.

  • True piyushnasa, but active setup will only run once for each user. If the user changes the home page it won't get reset by active setup. You could do it with a HKLM Run key but bkelly has a better solution (in my opinion). - olditguy 12 years ago
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