How can I declare different currencies in a Dell KACE license asset?
Hi there,
How can I, assuming there is a way, to declare or enter diffrent curries when entering license asset? AS I currently understand you can only add integers, so ho do I distinguish between, for example, USD, CAD, GBP?
How can I, assuming there is a way, to declare or enter diffrent curries when entering license asset? AS I currently understand you can only add integers, so ho do I distinguish between, for example, USD, CAD, GBP?
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Posted by:
9 years ago
1. You can choose to have a field with type: Text and have the user type in the currency. This will not have any data validation and the user can type anything in there.
2. You can make two fields...Currency (Type: single select with accepted currency types) and Value (Type: currency)
This way the user will select the type of currency and then type in the value which will be data validated.