
How do I create a report with OVAL vulnerabilities and the machines that have them?

Is there a way to add to this report a column that lists PCs that have each listed vulnerability?  Also, if there aren't any machines that have it marked as vunerable I don't need them in the list.

select OVALNUMBER AS 'Definition ID',
                    if((upper(substring(source, 1, 3)) = 'CVE' || upper(substring(source, 1, 3)) = 'CAN'), SOURCE, '') as 'Reference' ,
                    TITLE as Name,
                    CLASS as Class  from KBSYS.OVAL_DEFINITION D where D.CLASS = 'vulnerability'  order by REFERENCE DESC

Edit: I'd have exactly what I needed if I could somehow combine the above report with this one:

select MACHINE.NAME as Machine,SYSTEM_DESCRIPTION as Description,OS_NAME as 'Operating System',
                             sum(CLASS='vulnerability' and RESULT = 'VULNERABLE') as Vulnerable,
                             sum(RESULT = 'SAFE' or (CLASS='inventory' AND RESULT='VULNERABLE')) as Safe,
                             sum(RESULT not in ('SAFE','VULNERABLE')) as Other ,count(*) as Tested  from OVAL_STATUS, MACHINE, KBSYS.OVAL_DEFINITION O
               group by MACHINE_ID 

I'm just not sure how...

Thank you,

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I just noticed I'm not the first person to ask this question:
    http://www.itninja.com/question/k1000-oval-reporting-1 - awingren 10 years ago

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