How do you Add mulitple addins for Multiple Users when MS Office 2010 is virtualized
How do you deploy Add-ins to Users when MS Office 2010 is virtualized using Connection Groups (CG). Below is an example where different Users need different add-ins with Virtualized MS Office
User A is a member of CG A which has MS Office and Add-in A
User B is a member of CG B which has MS Office and Add-in B
And both work as they should.
However User C requires access to MS Office and both Add-in A and Add-in B
How do we achieve this as CG A is one virtual environment and CG B is another Virtual environment and therefore can't see each other ?
The only solution I can see is creating another CG with both add-ins and MS Office
User C is a member of CG C which has MS Office, Add-in A and Add-in B
However in a real environments different users requiring access to different Add-ins could become messy. but is this the solution ?