How do you report on failed 3rd party software installs within KACE?
We use Managed Installs for all our 3rd party installs. It works great. I even have the MSI to produce a log file that shows if the MSI was successful or not. Unfortunately, KACE does not know if the MSI was successful or failed. KACE is like the mail-man: He delivers the mail, but he doesn’t know if you opened it or not. Outside of re-inventorying the machine 4 hours later only to find out that the application still shows as needing to install, we don’t know what happened.
As stated earlier, I have the MSI create a log file using /l. Within that log file it states: “Installation operation failed” or “Installation operation completed successfully”. I would to know how I can query this file or query the Application Event log (which contains the same wording)and tie that data to the client. We have several remote sites that would benefit from knowing whether the MSI failed or not – instead of just looking in KACE and seeing that it is still pending.
Any thoughts?
Thanks, Dave
Answers (2)
get-eventlog Application | where-object {$_.EventID -eq "11708"}| select-object TimeGenerated,message| out-file c:\temp\event.txt
You can also use this. Push this script out to all your machines needed.
get-eventlog Application | where-object {$_.EventID -eq "11708"}|
select-object TimeGenerated,message|
out-file c:\temp\event.txt
This will output the event log for Event ID 11708 to a txt file. Then write your custom inventory rule around that.
TimeGenerated Message
------------- -------
6/20/2012 3:20:24 PM Product: Dell KACE Agent -- Installation failed.
You can write a custom inventory rule to read that log file.
ShellCommandTextReturn(cmd.exe /c type C:\name\of\folder\log.txt)
I've been trying to think of how I could use the Custom Inventory Rule - I'll try something like this.
Will I be able to link this to each client that has a true failure? - diverdaveman1 12 years ago -
That will read the log for each machine that has it a that location. No matter what the outcome. From there you can create a smart label w/ "custom inventory name" > contains > Installation operation failed.
You can then create a report for machines with that label. - dugullett 12 years ago