
How to script Adobe Flash FF plug-in version check


The KBox agent isn't able to determine what version of Adobe Flash player plug-in (for Firefox) is actually installed. For example, version was released and is in the patching system on the KBox, but it detects that all systems already have that verison, even though they don't. I verified that much by using http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about

Unfortunately, KACE support didn't have any suggestions other than to "take a look at the following Knowledge Base article detailing the use of Custom Inventory Rules."

I tried using the FileVersion option in a script to check the version of the flashplayer.xpt file in C:\windows\system32\Macromed\Flash, but it came up empty.

Does anyone have any experience with this?


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Answers (7)

Posted by: zookdj 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Found it.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins\@adobe.com/FlashPlayer!Version =

Does anyone else agree with me that the KBox agent should be able to do this itself?

Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
The KBOX is unable to detect the proper version for third party software sometimes. This isn't a KBOX problem - it's a design issue with the third party software. Firefox plugins are tricky anyway, because they usually aren't listed in areas that the KBOX scans for inventory anyway.

I'd have to say I disagree. If the KBOX was able to detect this, that would be an added bonus. It's not their fault Adobe is a huge FAIL.
Posted by: zookdj 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
OK, now that I know where to look for the version, I can't figure out what to do with the information.

In the Inventory/Software list, it shows that correct information, with most computers still on the 10.0.42 version. When I look in the Patch list, it shows a bunch of systems already have 10.0.45, which is wrong.

Anyone have any thoughts on this? I can't see a way to modify the patch detection so that it shows correct information.

Posted by: airwolf 15 years ago
Red Belt
I may have misunderstood. If you're referring to security patching, then if Adobe Flash is listed as a third-party supported application then the KBOX should properly detect and update it. I can't really help technically in this area since we don't use the patching module to install such patches. We configure custom distributions and setup our own detection methods with custom software inventory rules.
Posted by: zookdj 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
Yes, I'm referring to security patching, and Adobe Flash Player is listed, both IE (activex) and Firefox (plug-in), so it seems to me that it should be able to determine which version is installed. The Inventory/Software module is able to at least, so the patching side should as well.

The #1 reason I bought the KBox was because it supported more than MS patches, and it was supposed to make it faster and easier for me to manage and deploy patches. So far it has improved some areas and made it more work in others.

Anyway, I've notified support about my findings and we'll see what they say. If anyone else has run into this please share.
Posted by: GillySpy 15 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
I took a look at your ticket history.

Now that you have clarified it as a patching issue instead of software inventory issue then we can proceed to look at the patch detection process.
In the context of Software inventory, the solution would be to use custom inventory rules so the tech's theory was a good one. If you want a solution today then you could use custom inventory rules and deploy the patch manually as an MI. Otherwise, I'll trust the support process and defer to your ticket to find the issue with the patch detection.
Posted by: zookdj 15 years ago
Second Degree Blue Belt
I guess that was my bad for not making it clear from the beginning.
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