How would you add the comments from the helpdesk ticket to the email that is sent out?
We would like to have any comments we add to a ticket to be emailed to the submitter and approver without having to log back in to the user portal. Currently it sends the email when a comment is made but it does not include what the comment is. I don't want our users to have to log in just for a comment when it could possibly come in the email. Still learning about our KACE 1000, but love what we have been able to make it do so far.
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Are you using system or custom rules for your notifications? - chucksteel 9 years ago
We currently do not have any rules setup. We want the submitter to receive an email when the technician puts a comment on the ticket and when the ticket is closed. They will more likely read an email than log back into the user portal to check status and read comments. - mrtekhead 9 years ago
Answers (1)
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9 years ago
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To include comments on tickets using the system rules:
In the Admin console click Service Desk, Configuration, Queues
Click the queue that you want to make the change
Scroll down to Email on Events and click Customize Emails
Scroll down to Comment Submitted and include the $last_comment variable in the message
Note that depending on your email on event notification selections you may also want to add the $last_comment variable to the ticket modified message.
To view all of the available variables for system rules click the ? icon when viewing the message templates then Configure Email Templates.