
HP client warranty information


we had thousands of Dell Notebooks over the past 3 years and we got nice reports for warranty expiry dates out of the box. Now we changed to the new Hardware supplier HP, where I need to report the same facts to my internal customers. With Dell I have the "DELL Service Information" showing all necessary results but not with successful scanned HP clients.

Clicking on "more Information" the deep link to the Dell Service page Shows Details directly on the web. Is it possible to configure the KACE K1000 in this way, that HP warranty Information is shown in the same way?

HP deep link has following Syntax: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/weResults?tmp_weCountry=us&tmp_weSerial=ABCDEFGH&tmp_weProduct=D1F64AV&lc=en&cc=us

Any help appreciated!!!


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Answers (4)

Posted by: Nico_K 10 years ago
Red Belt
I would do this via a custom inventory rule:
1. download cURL ( http://curl.haxx.se/ )
2. write a short batch file to get the info 
------ snip ----
@echo off
for /F "skip=1 delims=" %%j in ('wmic bios get serialnumber') do (
  set SERIAL=%%j
  goto :DONE
curl -s http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/weResults?tmp_weCountry=us&tmp_weSerial=%SERIAL%&tmp_weProduct=D1F64AV&lc=en&cc=us

----- snip ----

You may need additional cURL parameters for proxy etc if you need one
Also you may need additional steps to get only the needed information, this script is only for "how to get the info"

3. zip the batch and cURL and do a file sync with the zip file (I usually sync such things to c:\programdata\dell\kace\ownscripts\ )
4. create a CIR: CommandShellTextReturn(cmd /c "c:\programdata\dell\kace\ownscripts\bios.bat")
This will give you the info in a Custom Inventory Rule.
Please be aware, that the info is always recreated if the client is checking in, so you may have additional internet access (only a few kB but with a few 1000 machines this can be huge)

Posted by: jknox 10 years ago
Red Belt
One way to look at this would be to see if there is an API for HP's site and then find a way to gather the information on the client machine itself.  You could then use a custom inventory rule to get the information into the K1000.

Apparently they have one called ISEE API that might work.
Posted by: PortZero 9 years ago
Yellow Belt
Here is how i have done it with power shell and stored in Registry. 

All you need to do is read the values in custom inventory rule.

$ProductNumber = (Get-ItemProperty  "HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS" | select SystemSKU -ExpandProperty SystemSKU)
$ProductNumber = $ProductNumber -replace "#ABG",""
$SerialNumber = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_BIOS -Property SerialNumber | select SerialNumber -ExpandProperty SerialNumber)
$link = "http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/weResults?tmp_weCountry=au&tmp_weSerial=$SerialNumber&tmp_weProduct=$ProductNumber&lc=en&cc=au"
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($link)
$response = $request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()
[System.IO.StreamReader]$sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $response
[string]$results = $sr.ReadToEnd()
[int]$start = $results.IndexOf(" (YYYY-MM-DD)")
$start = $start - 10
[string]$info = $results.Substring($start, 10)
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System" -Name Warranty -Value $info -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\Warranty' -Name 'Year' -PropertyType 'String' -Value $info.Substring(0, 4) -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\Warranty' -Name 'Month' -PropertyType 'String' -Value $info.Substring(5, 2) -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\Warranty' -Name 'Day' -PropertyType 'String' -Value $info.Substring(8, 2) -Force
Posted by: nshah 10 years ago
Red Belt
Being able to see that information about Dell hardware is an add-value to owning the KBOX. There is no way to have that same information ported in like you see with Dell for HP, Lenovo...etc

What you can do is use the Asset module and enter that information in for your systems. So that you have that to report on. KACE won't go out and automatically get this information for you like with the Dell hardware. 

Not sure if anyone else has found a work around but you won't find anything as clean as having Dell hardware to get that information without doing anything advanced. 

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