
Install App with Admin Credentials

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We are deploying a package that needs to be installed with Admin credentials. We use bigfix for deployments. In our environment we have limited access users for whom this package needs to be deployed. Is there any method that I could install it using Admin Console of *(cmd) with out any intervention.

Any inputs and help is appreciated.


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Answers (5)

Posted by: jfred 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
What operating system is on the workstations? I have never used bigfix, so I'm not sure if this will help. If there is a standard password for the local admin account, and you are using a batch type file, have you tried the runas feature in your .cmd file?
Posted by: swpackager 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
have you tried the runas feature in your .cmd file?

Yes, however it would prompt us to enter the Admin password manually. any ideas?

Package would be deployed to Winxp SP3 machines.

Thank you!!
Posted by: jfred 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Prompts for password...... so the syntax in place in the beginning of the batch file is runas /u:administrator:"password" (enter in local admin password with out the "").

Is the batch file being saved to the local machine and being ran locally? Or is the batch file being ran as script from a deployment type server like SMS? Or is the batch file stored locally and executed like a script from a deployment type server?
Posted by: swpackager 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Technically, yes the batch file would be residing on the end user computer. Howevee, user doesnot have access to these folders. Also, when we deploy the package. Bigfix creates a temporary file and caches it to the client console present on the end user computer. After executing the action it propmts for a restart and the cache is deleted automatically from the Client folder.

so the syntax in place in the beginning of the batch file is runas /u:administrator:"password" (enter in local admin password with out the "").

This didnot work, I will try teh same command in defferent ways and see what it does..

Thanks Again!!
Posted by: jfred 13 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
We use Novell's ZCM 10.3 for software distribution. When creating a software bundle you can edit a script/batch file to launch from the bundle settings, I haven't had any good luck with that.

So my workaround for that is have ZCM copy over the file, and then within the bundle tell it to launch the script with seems to work in our environment.

Try copying the batch file to a users machine and then run it manually see if it does what you want. If it does, then work from there. Possible look up a VBS script on the Internet that may suit your needs and see if that works any better using Bigfix.
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