
Install only supported in Windows

I can't seem to figure out why I get this popup message when I am attempting to create a software package for the user portal. I have made sure that the software in question only has Windows XP and Windows 7 selected as supported builds in the software inventory. Is there an additional step I'm missing?

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Answers (7)

Posted by: dchristian 14 years ago
Red Belt

What pop-up are you getting?
Posted by: muellerm 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
"Warming: The package was created, but Install is only supported on Windows"
Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Then it is doing exactly what you want right? I'm not sure the point of the error except to remind you of what you're already doing.
Posted by: muellerm 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
No, it deselects the install option, removes the execution switches, and when you go the front end, it's listed as Download instead of Install.
Posted by: muellerm 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ok upon closer inspection what happens is that if i insert my switches and select install, it gives me the popup, and then i can exit out of the software title, and the user front end allows the installer to work. However if i open up that particular software in the list it removes the switches and changes it to download automatically. So as long as I never open up that title again, it'll remain fine. This seems odd though.
Posted by: GillySpy 14 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt
Apparently, there is a known bug surrounding this. The install option also goes back to being deselected and because of that error you get redirected to a new softare install -- a new software install is actually getting recreated. So you can go back and reopend the one you created and it will be there. -- also if you reopen the original you'll notice the radio button for install is deselected, but that's just cosmetic, as it is truly an install.

If you would like to tie yourself to this bug entry please call support.
Posted by: muellerm 14 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
Ah ok, I was hoping I wasn't going crazy. That makes sense then as I've had multiple installs pop into the list too. Thanks for the info!
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