
Installation of windows 7 with an automatic set of the computer name by DHCP


We are trying to configure our win 7 deployement with an automatic set of the computer name with the hostname that we have set in our DHCP.

I explain more in details.

When we buy some new computers, we add their mac address in our dhcp server and we also add their hostname, who are the name that we will set on the computer when we install the OS.

What we would like to have, is a way that when the k2000 will deploy the OS to the computer, it will check the DHCP by the mac address of the computer and get the Hostname who will be used to name the computer.

If someone could help us to find a way to make this.

Thanks by advance for your response.

Best Regards.

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Answers (6)

Posted by: dchristian 13 years ago
Red Belt
Check out wsname.

They have a DNS switch that does exactly what your looking for.

Your command line would be something like
wsname.exe /N:$DNS:<dns server>
Posted by: demonvip 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

Thanks for your response and sorry for my late one, we were on holidays.

Using the DNS server won't help us because when we take a new computer, we add his mac address and the name that we want it have into our DHCP server. At this time, the computer don't exist yet in the DNS server, and when we start the os deployement a generic hostname will be set for the computer, but we want to set the Hostname who was define in our DHCP server.
Posted by: Sinbad 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I'm not sure if it's possible to have an IP reserved to the Computer Name in the DHCP Server. As far as I know, the Reservation Name is only used as a display name of the reservation. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
The Reservation should be set to a MAC, which in turn is only used to set the IP Address to a specific Network Interface Card.

It's possible that the Reservation has an option enabled for "dynamically update DNS A and PTR records", but... isn't this only receiving information from the DNS Server?
Posted by: demonvip 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt

The hostname in the DHCP is a part of the packet send by the DHCP server when a computer make a request, but it is not used. I know that the microsoft win 7 deployement solution have the possibility to get that name when you deploy a new computer, and that what we want to do with kace.
Posted by: Sinbad 12 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
So.. if you add the option "012 Host Name" for the Reserverd Client on the DHCP Server. Wouldn't that do what you are asking for?
I haven't used this option so I'm not sure about how it works.
Posted by: cserrins 12 years ago
Red Belt
How are you inputting this into your DHCP server. wsname has an option where you can add ip or mac address and assign it a computer name. If you already have the list, this would be really simple, see link to wsname under dchristian's post. Also K2 has a naming rule post install task to assist with this.
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