
Is a comment supposed to show on the ticket if a user responds to an email and writes a comment above the line that says Please reply above this line?

Our service desk is set up it works fine, except someone mentioned they replied to an email with a comment and it never showed on the ticket.  I had a few people try it out and the tickets never updated with their comments.  I have Accept email from unknown users checked and turned on customer responded ticket rules.  Was there something else I missed?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • What email address are the replies sent to? Does that email go to the service desk queue? Also, the emails need to have the [TICK:1234] in the subject line, where 1234 is the ticket ID. - chucksteel 9 years ago
  • Thanks Chuck for your reply...I literally just figured out what it was. Office365 issue and email relay. Actually had nothing to do with Kace at all. - mjreccoppa 9 years ago

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