Is Kbox 1000 incompatible with win7?
Hi Guy's
I'm depoing scripts and program with Kbox 1000 and it is a nightmare.
All my clients are windows 7 and I'm not able to do a simple xcopy command.
I made all tests also in a virtual pc with xp and all work there.
I like to know if I'm the onlyone with win7 issues????
The support from kace was not able to help me and sent a email to me to request a RC version and when I send this email I just recieve a other email for thanks for my interest.
I'm depoing scripts and program with Kbox 1000 and it is a nightmare.
All my clients are windows 7 and I'm not able to do a simple xcopy command.
I made all tests also in a virtual pc with xp and all work there.
I like to know if I'm the onlyone with win7 issues????
The support from kace was not able to help me and sent a email to me to request a RC version and when I send this email I just recieve a other email for thanks for my interest.
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Posted by:
14 years ago
You may be out of luck until 5.1 comes out, but have you disabled UAC on the clients to see if that is the problem? The KBOX agent doesn't seem able to bypass UAC. I've got the agent running on several Windows 7 systems in my organization without issue, but I don't run any scripts on them. We also disable UAC via group policy.
Posted by:
14 years ago

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