
K1000: Is there a way to stop software being installed/updated if a different version is on the PC

I have a distribution of MS Visio 2010 setup that uses an /adminfile. The distrobution is linked to a label that is already linked to a number of computers. The problem is that some of the computers have slightly different versions of the software installed and they keep trying to update, but can't because the /adminfile can only be used on new installs.

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: anonymous_102124 10 years ago
Blue Belt

Step1: Go to Inventory>> Software

Step2: Select particular software which you dont want to Install/Update

Step3: Create Custom Inventory Rule


Windows (* = 5.2+)|  Linux|  | Mac OS |  | |   W  L M - DirectoryExists(path)W  L M - FileExists(path)W* L M - FileExistsWithMD5(path, value)W      - FileVersionEquals(path, version)W      - FileVersionLessThan(path, version) W      - FileVersionGreaterThan(path, version) W      - ProductVersionEquals(path, version) W      - ProductVersionLessThan(path, version) W      - ProductVersionGreaterThan(path, version) W  L M - FileInfoGreaterThan(fullpath, attribute, type, value)W  L M - FileInfoLessThan(fullpath, attribute, type, value)W  L M - FileInfoEquals(fullpath, attribute, type, value)W  L M - FileInfoReturn(path, attribute, type)W      - RegistryKeyExists(registryPath) W      - RegistryValueEquals(registryPath, valueName, value) W      - RegistryValueLessThan(registryPath, valueName, value) W      - RegistryValueGreaterThan(registryPath, valueName, value)W      - RegistryValueReturn(registryPath, name, type)W  L M - EnvironmentVariableExists(var)W* L M - EnvironmentVariableGreaterThan(var, type, value)W* L M - EnvironmentVariableLessThan(var, type, value)W* L M - EnvironmentVariableEquals(var, type, value)W*  L M - EnvironmentVariableReturn(var, type)W  L M - FilenamesMatchingRegexExist(fullpath,regex)W  L M - FilenamesMatchingRegexGreaterThan(fullpath,regex,value)W  L M - FilenamesMatchingRegexLessThan(fullpath,regex,value)W  L M - FilenamesMatchingRegexEqual(fullpath,regex,value)W*  L M - FilenamesMatchingRegexReturn(fullpath,regex,type)     M - PlistValueExists(fullpath, entry)     M - PlistValueGreaterThan(fullpath, entry, type, value)     M - PlistValueLessThan(fullpath, entry, type, value)     M - PlistValueEquals(fullpath, entry, type, value)     M - PlistValueReturn(fullpath, entry, type)W  L M - ShellCommandTextReturn(command)W  L M - ShellCommandDateReturn(command)W  L M - ShellCommandNumberReturn(command)
Posted by: AbhayR 11 years ago
Red Belt

There are couple of ways of doing this. 

1. You can create a Custom Inventory rule in the software to detect the specific version of MS Vision 2010 and then associate that software to your Manage Install.

2. You can create a batch script which detects the correct version of MS Visio and if found then launches the install.

  • Thanks for your reply.

    I have solved the problem by creating a new label that installs the software only if no version of Visio is found on the client - BowdenJ 11 years ago

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