K1000 don't update agent on all the clients
I updated my Kace K1000 server from 6.0.101863 to 6.2.109330. After that I updated the agent bundle to the 6.2.1025 version and activated "Update Agents" for all devices. The most of the client agents updates but some of them don't update.
I noticed that the client with the 6.2.1025 version that don't update have the "Installed programs" list empty. There is maybe a communication problem with the Kace server.
And I have some other clients that have an older agent version (5.5.25198 or 5.5.30275). Why they don't update ? How can I proceed to update all my client with the last agent version ?
Answers (3)
The reason why the agent don't update on some of clients (Windows 7) with 6.0 version is the UAC. If I disable UAC there is no more problem.
Here is the result of the "runkbot.exe 5 0" if it's not run as administrator :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\KACE>runkbot.exe 5 0
[2014-12-02.10:39:49][runkbot:GetKbot ] Kbot [5-0] not found locally, downloading ...
kbot[5:0] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:50 (status) START
[2014-12-02.10:39:50][runkbot:DownloadDependency ] Downloading dependency from KBOX location [https://<kbox_name>/packages/kbots/5/ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi.61372baa783d08c77e44deded6a4ae05]
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:50 (output) Running as: <username>
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:50 (activity) Launching program: 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe' '/c copy "C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE/kbots_cache/packages/kbo
ts/5\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi" "%temp%\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi"' wait='true'
Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable.
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:52 (output) Creating process returned non-zero: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c copy "C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE/kbots_cache/
packages/kbots/5\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi" "%temp%\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi":(0) LÆopÚration a rÚussi.
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:52 (output) Error Code: 0
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:52 (output) Status Code: 1
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:ProcessOps_LaunchProgram] runkbot : create kbot process returned non-zero: status code 1 and error code 0(0) LÆopÚration a rÚussi.
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-02T10:39:52 (status) FINISH (In state 'remediation_success')
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Server gzip compression is active
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: uploading file C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\dkl863F.tmp.gz to https://<kbox_name>/service/kbot_upload.php?checksum=e49a99bc01a77d4bd4f3e4dd8b1749df5f8f9de6c7d1a1198c5025cca71d1d03fe83a2c135180f545b3c9c5ec9029b367edb97278439d4d90db5f29fbbab557f&kbotId=5
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Content-Encoding: gzip added to HTTP Header.
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Uploaded to https://<kbox_name>/service/kbot_upload.php?checksum=e49a99bc01a77d4bd4f3e4dd8b1749df5f8f9de6c7d1a1198c5025cca71d1d03fe83a2c135180f545b3c9c5ec9029b367edb97278439d4d90db5f29fbbab557f&kbotId=5 Upload speed: 2358.000000 bytes/second
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Server gzip compression cleanup.
[2014-12-02.10:39:52][runkbot:CleanupLog ] Cleaning up log file [C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\dkl863F.tmp]
The problem isn't that the agent doesn't appear in the "Installed programs" but on the client that don't update there is no program in the "Installed programs" list. This is maybe a communication problem between the agent and the server but the client are online in the Appliance.
On the client that have the 5.5 agent version I found on http://blog.kace.com/2014/10/20/k1000-version-6-2-is-available/ that the minimum agent version to upgrade to 6.2 is 5.5.30276. So it looks to match with my problem.
And I tried to force check on all the online clients that don't have the lastest agent version but they don't update.
Here is the result of the command "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\KACE>runkbot.exe 5 0" on a client with the agent version 6.0.1079 (<kbox_name> replace the Kace server name and <username> replace the username) :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\KACE>runkbot.exe 5 0
[2014-12-01.18:29:23][runkbot:GetKbot ] Kbot [5-0] not found locally, downloading ...
kbot[5:0] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:23 (status) START
[2014-12-01.18:29:23][runkbot:DownloadDependency ] Downloading dependency from KBOX location [https://<kbox_name>/packages/kbots/5/ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi.61372baa783d08c77e44deded6a4ae05]
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:24 (output) Running as: <username>
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:24 (activity) Launching program: 'C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe' '/c copy "C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE/kbots_cache/packages/kbots/5\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi" "%temp%\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi"' wait='true'
1 fichier(s) copié(s).
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:25 (output) Launched Process: cmd.exe
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:25 (activity) Launching program: 'C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe' '/qn /l*v "%temp%\ampmsi.log" /i "%temp%\ampagent-6.2.1025-x86.msi" HOST=<kbox_name>' wait='false'
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:25 (output) Launched Process: msiexec.exe
kbot[5:1417182392] @ 2014-12-01T18:29:25 (status) FINISH (In state 'verification_success')
[2014-12-01.18:29:26][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Server gzip compression is active
[2014-12-01.18:29:26][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: uploading file C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\dkl9829.tmp.gz to https://<kbox_name>/service/kbot_upload.php?checksum=ea30c20850a753af7a1cf1e1c308437194a315b84a634b8bde6916c5c1562438e000661dcc6c16e49bf626535038ccf36e1cd62e0df1a725879ae42024c13ef9&kbotId=5
[2014-12-01.18:29:26][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Content-Encoding: gzip added to HTTP Header.
[2014-12-01.18:29:26][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Uploaded to https://<kbox_name>/service/kbot_upload.php?checksum=ea30c20850a753af7a1cf1e1c308437194a315b84a634b8bde6916c5c1562438e000661dcc6c16e49bf626535038ccf36e1cd62e0df1a725879ae42024c13ef9&kbotId=5 Upload speed: 2127.000000 bytes/second
[2014-12-01.18:29:26][runkbot:UploadUsingCurl ] UploadFile: Server gzip compression cleanup.
[2014-12-01.18:29:26][runkbot:CleanupLog ] Cleaning up log file [C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\dkl9829.tmp]
This morning the computer I start the "runkbot.exe 5 0" yesterday updated agent... So I'll try on other client. - SITEL 10 years ago