K2000- Copying a file using a "Application" Post-install task and calling xcopy command
I am a new user of K2000 and one of the things I want to do during a system image deployment is copy a few .exe files locally to a folder, C:\kacetmp, using an "Application" Post-install task. I have attached the file to the "Application" task, E5410A16.exe and entered the following into the "Full command line" box: cmd.exe /c "xcopy E5410A16.exe C:\kacetmp /Y". During deployment, I get an error that reads something along the lines of "Unable to find the specified file". Is there a method to do this correctly?
Answers (2)
the error is that it tries to run the (not uploaded) cmd.exe.
So you should use (if you have) the SMA to deploy the script which makes it easier or run a bat script.