K2000 Internal vs Offboard Storage??
Beside of been able to have a bigger capacity of storage using an offboard storage, what will be your pros and cons about it?
Do the deployment/capture speed is reduced using offboard?
Answers (2)
The speed is depending on your network.
Pro: I think, offboard storage would be great because it is much easier to handle, no more space issues on the K2 if you have a whole lot of images and so on. I have learned there are people out there who creating images for every system they own. Also if they only own one system of the series, it gets its own image. For them this would be the most important thing to have more space. Well I know, this is not the best way but an easy way if you don't want to handle the driver feeds, many Post Install Tasks and so on.
Con: another device which is consuming rack space and power (if only used as offboard storage for the K2)
agree - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
The capture/deployment speed really depends on the Network and the NAS being used. In general the difference is very slight and not noticeable compared to using the internal array, especially if using Scripted Installs or native images.
to extend on this, when using a physical NAS with a physical K2, we suggest connecting the NAS directly to the K2 on NIC 2, this makes the process more efficient.
Lead L3 Enterprise Solutions Engineer, K2000
If my response was helpful, please rate it! - cserrins 11 years ago