K2000 Postinstallation task including MSI file is missing the file name and switches in the CommandLine
I recently performed my first execution of a Scripted Install with some new Postinstallation Tasks (newest versions of Flash, Reader, Shockwave, Office). During the deployment, the system ran into a task execution error. I chose to examine the kace.engine.tasks.xml file and discovered the troublesome task was missing the actual file name and command line switches. The text below is pulled from this xml file and shows several lines from a good task (Shockwave) and two bad tasks (Flash Player).
<Task ID="53"> <Name>CoMIT Adobe Shockwave Player</Name> <WorkingDirectory>%systemdrive%\KACE\Applications\53</WorkingDirectory> <CommandLine><![CDATA[msiexec /i sw_lic_full_installer.msi /qn]]></CommandLine> ... Lines deleted to save space in this post. <Task ID="55"> <Name>CoMIT Adobe Flash Player 13 Plugin</Name> <WorkingDirectory>%systemdrive%\KACE\Applications\55</WorkingDirectory> <CommandLine><![CDATA["%systemdrive%\KACE\Applications\55\MSIEXEC" ]]></CommandLine> ...Lines deleted to save space in this post.
<Task ID="54"> <Name>CoMIT Adobe Flash Player 13 ActiveX</Name> <WorkingDirectory>%systemdrive%\KACE\Applications\54</WorkingDirectory> <CommandLine><![CDATA["%systemdrive%\KACE\Applications\54\MSIEXEC" ]]></CommandLine>
As you can see, the good task does not include the working directory information in the command line. The two bad tasks include the working directory information in the command line, but they do not include the msi file name or command line switches after MSIEXEC. I worked through the deployment by editing the two command lines in the XML file on the fly so they would point to the MSI files with the correct switches. Doing so allowed the tasks to work and the deployment succeeded.
My question is... how do I fix these postinstallation tasks so this is not repeated in the future? They were both created by duplicating existing tasks, uploading new MSI files, and making the necessary edits of the information in the command line. Should I just delete them and start over? If so, what is the point of being able to duplicate a task?
Thank you in advance.
Answers (2)
Can you post what you have in the gui commandline for task 53 and task 54? Also, what type of tasks are these?
Lead T3 Enterprise Solutions Consultant, K2000
These are "Application Type" postinstallation tasks. Here are the command lines:
Task 53: msiexec /i sw_lic_full_installer.msi /qn
Task 54: MSIEXEC /i install_flash_player_13_active_x.msi /quiet /norestart
Task 55: MSIEXEC /i install_flash_player_13_plugin.msi /quiet /norestart - MattoonIT 10 years ago