
KACE 6.1.251 System Deployment Client : Start Capture Failed

Trying to capture an image but I am getting this particular error.

This is a Windows 10  Enterprise v1809.

4 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • You didn't actually show your error. - cserrins 5 years ago
  • apologies. error should be viewable now - lgoh 5 years ago
  • Seems like something might be wrong with the KBE, as I believe it's supposed to display a page instead of a dialog box. Have you tried making a fresh KBE (in a VM) using the latest Windows ADK tools? - knickelbineb 5 years ago
  • That also happens when the Option 66 is the FQDN or hostname of the SDA\RSA.

    Option 66 needs to be an IP. - Channeler 5 years ago

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