
Kace 7.0 Column Alignment (Service Desk Tickets)

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Hello Fellow Ninjas,

I have upgraded my test environment to 7.0 to test before upgrading production. As some of you have mentioned it moved my fields around in the service desk tickets. Specifically the Submitter, Asset, and device.  I used the ticket layout field settings page to try and reset the fields back to a third column (show below), and it works in on the “edit form owner” view. However on the “input form owner” view those boxes remain on the bottom of the ticket.  I’m at a loss, any ideas? 

“edit form owner” view                                                                                                


1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Can you post your "Ticket List Layout" settings? - JasonEgg 7 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 7 years ago
Red Belt
Quest made the decision to allow us to remove any field on a KACE 1000 ticket in version 7, which was great, however, the implementation of this idea was poor, such that the layout of a new ticket rearranges once the ticket is logged and that is the issue that you are seeing. It's messy, annoying and really not practical for use by users in version 7, but then this version of the K1000 is uncharacteristically full of bugs, let's hope 7.1 resolves the issue

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